Deployment API Reference

The Freva deployment Class

Module to run the freva deployment.

class freva_deployment.deploy.DeployFactory(steps: Optional[list[str]] = None, config_file: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Apply freva deployment and its services.

  • project_name (str) – The name of the project to distinguish this instance from others.

  • steps (list[str], default: ["services", "core", "web"]) – The components that are going to be deployed.

  • config_file (os.PathLike, default: None) – Path to any existing deployment configuration file.


>>> from freva_deployment import DeployFactory as DF
>>> deploy = DF(steps=["solr"])
property aux_dir: Path

Directory with auxillary files.

property chain_key_file: str

Path to the private key file.

create_eval_config() None[source]

Create and dump the evaluation_systme.config.


Create the ansible playbook form all steps.

property db_pass: str

Create a password for the database.

parse_config() str[source]

Create config files for anisble and evaluation_system.conf.

play(server_map: Optional[str] = None, ask_pass: bool = True, verbosity: int = 0) None[source]

Play the ansible playbook.

  • server_map (str, default: None) – Hostname running the service that keeps track of the server infrastructure, if None given (default) no new deployed services are added.

  • ask_pass (bool, default: True) – Instruct Ansible to ask for the ssh passord instead of using a ssh key

  • verbosity (int, default: 0) – Verbosity level, default 0

property playbook_dir: Path

The location of all playbooks.

property private_key_file: str

Path to the private key file.

property public_key_file: str

Path to the public certificate file.

property python_prefix: Path

Get the path of the new conda evnironment.

step_order: tuple[str, ...] = ('vault', 'db', 'solr', 'core', 'web')
property steps: list[str]

Set all the deploment steps.

upload_server_info(server_map: str, inventory: str) None[source]

Upload information on server information to shared nextcloud.

The Deployment Text User Interface

The Freva deployment Text User Interface (TUI) helps to configure a deployment setup for a new instance of freva.

class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.main_window.MainApp[source]

Bases: NPSAppManaged

property cache_dir: Path

The user cachedir.

change_form(name: str) None[source]
check_missing_config(stop_at_missing: bool = True) str | None[source]

Evaluate all forms.

config: dict[str, Any] = {}
exit_application(*args, **kwargs) None[source]
load_dialog(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Create a dialoge that allows for loading a config file.

onStart() None[source]

When Application starts, set up the Forms that will be used.

read_cert_file(key: str) str[source]

Read the certificate file from the cache.

save_config_to_file(**kwargs) pathlib.Path | None[source]

Save the status of the tui to file.

save_dialog(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Create a dialoge that allows for saving the config file.

property save_file: str

Read the file that stores the configuration from the cache.

start_auto_save() None[source]

(Re)-Start the auto save thread.

property steps: list[str]

Get the deploy steps.

class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.base.BaseForm(*args, **keywords)[source]

Bases: FormMultiPageWithMenus, FormWithMenus

Base class for forms.

certificates: list[str] = []

The type of certificate files this step needs.

change_forms(*args, reverse=False, **keywords) None[source]

Cycle between the deployment config forms.

check_config(notify: bool = True) dict[str, str | dict[str, str | list | int | bool | None]] | None[source]

Check if the from entries are valid.

create() None[source]

Setup the form.

draw_form() None[source]

Overload the draw_from method from, this is done to add menus.

get_config(key) dict[str, str | bool | list[str]][source]

Read the configuration for a step.

get_host(key) str[source]

Read the host name(s) from the main windows config.

input_fields: dict[str, tuple[npyscreen.wgtitlefield.TitleText, bool]] = {}

the key of the dictionary represents the name of the key in the in config toml input files. Values represent a tuple of npysceen types that display the input information on this key to the user and a boolean indicating whether or not this variable is mandatory.


Dictionary of input fileds

property num: str

Calculate the number for enumerations of any input field.

previews_form(*args, **keywords) None[source]
run_deployment(*args) None[source]

Switch to the deployment setup form.

class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.base.FileSelector(*args, file_extentions: str | list[str] = ['.toml'], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FileSelector

FileSelector widget that allows for filtering file extensions.

exit() None[source]

Exit the dialogue.

file_extentions: list[str]

List of allowed file extensions.

update_grid() None[source]
value: str

The value of this file selector.

freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.base.selectFile(starting_value: str = '', *args, **keywords)[source]
class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.deploy_forms.CoreScreen(*args, **keywords)[source]

Bases: BaseForm

Form for the core deployment configuration.

certificates: list[str] = ['public']

The type of certificate files this step needs.

scheduler_index(scheduler_system: str = '')[source]

Get the index of the saved scheduler_system

property scheduler_systems

Define available scheduler systems.

step: str = 'core'

Name of this step.

class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.deploy_forms.DBScreen(*args, **keywords)[source]

Bases: BaseForm

Form for the core deployment configuration.

step: str = 'db'
class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.deploy_forms.RunForm(display_pages=True, pages_label_color='NORMAL', *args, **keywords)[source]

Bases: FormMultiPageAction

Definition of the form that applies the actual deployment.

create() None[source]

Custom definitions executed when the from gets created.

property num: str

Calculate the number for enumerations of any input field.

on_cancel() None[source]

Define what happens after the the cancel button is hit.

on_ok() None[source]

Define what happens once the ok for applying the deployment is hit.

class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.deploy_forms.SolrScreen(*args, **keywords)[source]

Bases: BaseForm

Form for the solr deployment configuration.

step: str = 'solr'
class freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.deploy_forms.WebScreen(*args, **keywords)[source]

Bases: BaseForm

Form for the web deployment configuration.

certificates: list[str] = ['public', 'private', 'chain']

The type of certificate files this step needs.

get_index(choices: list[str], key: str)[source]

Get the key value pair for a combo box

step: str = 'web'
freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.deploy_forms.get_index(values: list[str], target: str, default: int = 0) int[source]

Get the target index of item in list.


the list of values that is searched


the item the list of values that is searched for


if nothing is found return the default value

int: Index of the the target item in the list