Source code for freva_deployment.ui.deployment_tui.deploy_forms

from __future__ import annotations
from getpass import getuser
import npyscreen
from pathlib import Path
from typing import cast, List, Dict

from .base import BaseForm, logger

[docs]def get_index(values: list[str], target: str, default: int = 0) -> int: """Get the target index of item in list. Parameters: =========== values: the list of values that is searched target: the item the list of values that is searched for default: if nothing is found return the default value Returns: ======== int: Index of the the target item in the list """ for n, value in enumerate(values): if value == target: return n return default
[docs]class CoreScreen(BaseForm): """Form for the core deployment configuration.""" step: str = "core" """Name of this step.""" certificates: list[str] = ["public"] """The type of certificate files this step needs.""" @property def scheduler_systems(self): """Define available scheduler systems.""" return ["local", "slurm", "pbs", "lfs", "moab", "oar", "sge"]
[docs] def scheduler_index(self, scheduler_system: str = ""): """Get the index of the saved scheduler_system""" scheduler_system = scheduler_system or "local" for nn, choice in enumerate(self.scheduler_systems): if choice == scheduler_system: return nn return 0
def _add_widgets(self) -> None: """Add widgets to the screen.""" self.list_keys: list[str] = [] cfg = self.get_config(self.step) arch = cast(str, cfg.get("arch", AVAILABLE_CONDA_ARCHS[0])) arch_idx = get_index(AVAILABLE_CONDA_ARCHS, arch, 0) self.input_fields: dict[str, tuple[npyscreen.TitleText, bool]] = dict( hosts=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Server Name(s) where core is deployed:", value=self.get_host("core"), ), True, ), install_dir=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Anaconda installation dir. for core:", value=cfg.get("install_dir", ""), ), True, ), install=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.RoundCheckBox, max_height=2, value=cfg.get("install", True), editable=True, name=(f"{self.num}Install a new Freva anaconda environment?"), scroll_exit=True, ), True, ), root_dir=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=( f"{self.num}Directory where project configuration is stored " "(defaults to `anaconda installation dir.` in #3):" ), value=cfg.get("root_dir", ""), ), False, ), base_dir_location=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}User data directory:", value=cfg.get("base_dir_location", ""), ), False, ), preview_path=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Plugin output dir for the web UI (preview path):", value=cfg.get("preview_path", ""), ), False, ), scheduler_system=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleCombo, name=f"{self.num}Workload manger", value=self.scheduler_index(cast(str, cfg.get("scheduler_system"))), values=self.scheduler_systems, ), True, ), scheduler_output_dir=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Ouput dir. of the scheduler system, " "${base_dir_location}/share", value=cfg.get("scheduler_output_dir", ""), ), False, ), admins=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Set the admin user(s) - comma separated:", value=cfg.get("admins", getuser()), ), False, ), admin_group=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=( f"{self.num}Set the Freva admin group - " "leave blank if not needed:" ), value=cfg.get("admin_group", ""), ), False, ), ansible_become_user=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=( f"{self.num}Optional username to change to on the " "remote machine, leave blank for none:" ), value=cfg.get("ansible_become_user", ""), ), False, ), conda_exec_path=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=( f"{self.num}Path to any existing conda installation - " "leave blank to " "install a temporary conda distribution:" ), value=cfg.get("conda_exec_path", ""), ), False, ), arch=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleCombo, name=( f"{self.num}Set the target architecture of the system where " "the backend will be installed:" ), value=arch_idx, values=AVAILABLE_CONDA_ARCHS, ), True, ), ansible_python_interpreter=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Python path on remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_python_interpreter", "/usr/bin/python3"), ), False, ), ansible_user=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Username for remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_user", getuser()), ), False, ), git_path=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Path to the git executable (leave blank for default):", value=cfg.get("git_path", ""), ), False, ), )
[docs]class WebScreen(BaseForm): """Form for the web deployment configuration.""" step: str = "web" certificates: list[str] = ["public", "private", "chain"] """The type of certificate files this step needs."""
[docs] def get_index(self, choices: list[str], key: str): """Get the key value pair for a combo box""" for nn, choice in enumerate(choices): if choice == key: return nn return 0
def _add_widgets(self) -> None: """Add widgets to the screen.""" self.list_keys = "imprint", "scheduler_host" cfg = self.get_config(self.step) for key in self.list_keys: if key in cfg and isinstance(cfg[key], str): value = cast(str, cfg[key]) cfg[key] = [v.strip() for v in value.split(",") if v.strip()] logger.warning(key, cfg[key]) self.input_fields: dict[str, tuple[npyscreen.TitleText, bool]] = dict( hosts=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Server Name(s) the web service is deployed on:", value=self.get_host("web"), ), True, ), project_website=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Url of the Freva home page:", value=cfg.get("project_website", ""), ), True, ), main_color=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Html color of the main color theme:", value=cfg.get("main_color", "Tomato"), ), True, ), border_color=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Html color for the borders:", value=cfg.get("border_color", "#6c2e1f"), ), True, ), hover_color=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Html color for hover modes:", value=cfg.get("hover_color", "#d0513a"), ), True, ), institution_logo=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Path to the institution logo.", value=cfg.get( "institution_logo", "/path/to/logo/on/target/machine" ), ), True, ), about_us_text=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}About us text - short blurb about Freva:", value=cfg.get("about_us_text", "Testing"), ), True, ), contacts=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Contact email address:", value=str(cfg.get("contacts", "")), ), True, ), email_host=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=( f"{self.num}Smtp email that will be used to send " "emails to the contacts via the web ui" ), value=cfg.get("email_host", ""), ), True, ), imprint=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Institution address - comma separated:", value=",".join( cast( List[str], cfg.get( "imprint", [ "freva", "German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ)", "Bundesstr. 45a", "20146 Hamburg", "Germany", ], ), ), ), ), True, ), homepage_text=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}More in detail project description:", value=cfg.get( "homepage_text", ( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur " "adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor " "incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. " "Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud " "exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip " "ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor " "in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum " "dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint " "occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa " "qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." ), ), ), True, ), homepage_heading=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}A brief describtion of the project:", value=cfg.get("homepage_heading", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"), ), True, ), scheduler_host=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Scheduler hostname(s) - comma separated:", value=",".join( cast( List[str], cfg.get("scheduler_host", [""]), ) ), ), True, ), auth_ldap_server_uri=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=( f"{self.num}Ldap server name(s) used for authentication" " - comma separated:" ), value=cfg.get( "auth_ldap_server_uri", "ldap://", ), ), True, ), auth_ldap_start_tls=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.RoundCheckBox, max_height=2, value=cfg.get("auth_ldap_start_tls", False), editable=True, name=( f"{self.num}Enable TLS encryption when communicating with the" "ldap server. Needs to be configured:" ), scroll_exit=True, ), True, ), allowed_group=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Unix group allowed to log on to the web:", value=cfg.get("allowed_group", "my_freva"), ), False, ), ldap_user_base=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Ldap search keys for user base:", value=cfg.get( "ldap_user_base", "cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=dkrz,dc=de" ), ), True, ), ldap_group_base=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Ldap search keys for group base:", value=cfg.get( "ldap_group_base", "cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=dkrz,dc=de", ), ), True, ), ldap_user_dn=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Distinguished name (dn) for the ldap user:", value=cfg.get( "ldap_user_dn", "uid=dkrzagent,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=dkrz,dc=de", ), ), True, ), ldap_user_pw=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitlePassword, name=f"{self.num}Password for ldap user:", value=cfg.get("ldap_user_pw", "dkrzprox"), ), True, ), ldap_first_name_field=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=(f"{self.num}Ldap search search key for first name"), value=cfg.get( "ldap_first_name_field", "givenname", ), ), False, ), ldap_last_name_field=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=(f"{self.num}Ldap search search key for last name"), value=cfg.get( "ldap_last_name_field", "sn", ), ), False, ), ldap_email_field=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=(f"{self.num}Ldap search search key for email addr"), value=cfg.get( "ldap_email_field", "mail", ), ), False, ), ldap_group_class=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=(f"{self.num}Ldap object class"), value=cfg.get( "ldap_group_class", "groupOfNames", ), ), True, ), ldap_group_type=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleCombo, name=(f"{self.num}Ldap group type"), value=self.get_index( ["posix", "nested"], cast(str, cfg.get("ldap_group_type", "nested")), ), values=["posix", "nested"], ), True, ), ldap_model=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=(f"{self.num}Ldap tools class to be used for authentication."), value=cfg.get("ldap_model", "MiklipUserInformation"), ), True, ), ansible_python_interpreter=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Pythonpath on remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_python_interpreter", "/usr/bin/python3"), ), False, ), ansible_user=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Username for remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_user", getuser()), ), False, ), )
[docs]class DBScreen(BaseForm): """Form for the core deployment configuration.""" step: str = "db" def _add_widgets(self) -> None: """Add widgets to the screen.""" self.list_keys: list[str] = [] cfg = self.get_config(self.step) db_ports: list[int] = list(range(3300, 3320)) port_idx = get_index( cast(List[str], list(map(str, db_ports))), str(cfg.get("port", 3306)), 6, ) self.input_fields: dict[str, tuple[npyscreen.TitleText, bool]] = dict( hosts=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Server Name(s) where the database service is deployed:", value=self.get_host("db"), ), True, ), wipe=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.RoundCheckBox, max_height=2, value=cfg.get("wipe", False), editable=True, name=(f"{self.num}Delete existing data?"), scroll_exit=True, ), True, ), user=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Database user:", value=cfg.get("user", "evaluation_system"), ), True, ), db=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Database name:", value=cfg.get("db", "evaluation_system"), ), True, ), port=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleCombo, name=f"{self.num}Database Port:", value=port_idx, values=db_ports, ), True, ), ansible_python_interpreter=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Pythonpath on remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_python_interpreter", "/usr/bin/python3"), ), False, ), ansible_user=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Username for remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_user", getuser()), ), False, ), )
[docs]class SolrScreen(BaseForm): """Form for the solr deployment configuration.""" step: str = "solr" def _add_widgets(self) -> None: """Add widgets to the screen.""" self.list_keys: list[str] = [] cfg = self.get_config(self.step) solr_ports: list[int] = list(range(8980, 9000)) port_idx = get_index( [str(p) for p in solr_ports], str(cfg.get("port", 8983)), 3 ) self.input_fields: dict[str, tuple[npyscreen.TitleText, bool]] = dict( hosts=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Server Name(s) where the solr service is deployed:", value=self.get_host("solr"), ), True, ), wipe=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.RoundCheckBox, max_height=2, value=cfg.get("wipe", False), editable=True, name=(f"{self.num}Delete existing data?"), scroll_exit=True, ), True, ), mem=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleCombo, name=f"{self.num}Virtual memory (in GB) for the solr server:", value=3, values=[f"{i}g" for i in range(1, 10)], ), True, ), port=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleCombo, name=f"{self.num}Solr port:", value=port_idx, values=solr_ports, ), True, ), ansible_python_interpreter=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Pythonpath on remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_python_interpreter", "/usr/bin/python3"), ), False, ), ansible_user=( self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Username for remote machine:", value=cfg.get("ansible_user", getuser()), ), False, ), )
[docs]class RunForm(npyscreen.FormMultiPageAction): """Definition of the form that applies the actual deployment.""" _num: int = 0 @property def num(self) -> str: """Calculate the number for enumerations of any input field.""" self._num += 1 return f"{self._num}. "
[docs] def on_ok(self) -> None: """Define what happens once the `ok` for applying the deployment is hit.""" self.parentApp.thread_stop.set() if not self.project_name.value: npyscreen.notify_confirm("You have to set a project name", title="ERROR") return if not self.server_map.value: value = npyscreen.notify_yes_no( "If you don't set a map server value you wont be able " "to start|stop the services. Continue anyway?", title="WARNING", ) if not value: return missing_form: None | str = self.parentApp.check_missing_config() if missing_form: self.parentApp.change_form(missing_form) return public_keyfile = self.public_keyfile.value or self.chain_keyfile.value cert_files = dict( public=public_keyfile or "", private=self.private_keyfile.value or "", ) for key_type, keyfile in cert_files.items(): for step, deploy_form in self.parentApp._forms.items(): if not keyfile or not Path(keyfile).is_file(): if ( key_type in deploy_form.certificates and step in self.parentApp.steps ): if keyfile: msg = f"{key_type} certificate file `{keyfile}` must exist." else: msg = f"You must give a {key_type} certificate file." npyscreen.notify_confirm(msg, title="ERROR") return cert_files["chain"] = self.chain_keyfile.value or "" if not cert_files["chain"]: value = npyscreen.notify_yes_no( "It is advised to create a chained certificate file. " "This enhances the web ui security. Continue anyway?", title="WARNING", ) if not value: return save_file = self.parentApp.save_config_to_file(write_toml_file=True) if isinstance(save_file, Path): save_file = str(save_file) self.parentApp.setup = { "server_map": self.server_map.value, "steps": list(set(self.parentApp.steps)), "ask_pass": bool(self.use_ssh_pw.value), "config_file": save_file or None, } self.parentApp.exit_application(msg="Do you want to continue?")
[docs] def on_cancel(self) -> None: """Define what happens after the the cancel button is hit.""" name = self.parentApp.current_form.lower() self.parentApp.setup = {} for step, form_name in self.parentApp._steps_lookup.items(): if name.startswith(step): # Tell the MyTestApp object to change forms. self.parentApp.change_form(form_name) return self.parentApp.change_form("MAIN")
[docs] def create(self) -> None: """Custom definitions executed when the from gets created.""" self.how_exited_handers[ npyscreen.wgwidget.EXITED_ESCAPE ] = self.parentApp.exit_application self._add_widgets()
def _add_widgets(self) -> None: """Add the widgets to the form.""" project_name = self.parentApp.config.get( "project_name", self.parentApp._read_cache("project_name", "") ) ssh_pw = self.parentApp._read_cache("ssh_pw", True) self.project_name = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=f"{self.num}Set the name of the project", value=project_name, ) self.inventory_file = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Save config as", value=str(self.parentApp.save_file or ""), ) self.server_map = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleText, name=(f"{self.num}Hostname of the service mapping the freva server arch."), value=self.parentApp._read_cache("server_map", ""), ) self.public_keyfile = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Select a public certificate file; needed for steps web, core, db", value=self.parentApp.read_cert_file("public_keyfile"), ) self.private_keyfile = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Select a private certificate file; needed for steps web", value=self.parentApp.read_cert_file("private_keyfile"), ) self.chain_keyfile = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.TitleFilename, name=f"{self.num}Select a chain certificate file; needed for steps web", value=self.parentApp.read_cert_file("chain_keyfile"), ) self.use_ssh_pw = self.add_widget_intelligent( npyscreen.RoundCheckBox, max_height=2, value=ssh_pw, editable=True, name=f"{self.num}Use password for ssh connection", scroll_exit=True, )