# Running and configuring the deployment A complete Freva instance will need the following services: - solr servers (hostname of the apache solr server) - db servers (hostname of the MariaDB server) - web servers (hostname that will serve web ui) - core servers (hostname(s) where the command line interface will be installed) ## Setting the python and git path Some systems do not have access to python3.4+ (/usr/bin/python3) or git by default. In such cases you can overwrite the `ansible_python_interpreter` in the inventory settings of the server section to point ansible to a custom `python3` bindary. For example ``` ansible_python_interpreter=/sw/spack-rhel6/miniforge3-4.9.2-3-Linux-x86_64-pwdbqi/bin/python3 ``` The same applies to the path to the git binary: ``` git_path=/sw/spack-levante/git-2.31.1-25ve7r/bin/git ``` ## A map of your server infrastructure (optional) Different Freva instances are installed across different server hosts. Usually the different Freva instances running at an institution are distinguished by a unique project name for example `clex`. To keep track of all server and services we have created a service that keeps track of the locations of all services for certain Freva instances. *Before* the first deployment we recommend to setup this server map by issuing the `deploy-freva-map` command. Please also refer to the [installation section](Installation.html#setting-up-a-service-that-maps-the-server-structure) for more details. This step is only necessary *once* per institution, please talk to the admins of any other Freva instances at your institution if this service has already been set up. ## Running the deployment After successful configuration you can run the deployment. The command `deploy-freva` opens a text user interface (tui) that will walk you through the setup of the deployment. > **_Note:_** Navigation is similar to the one of the *nano* text editor. The shortcuts start with a `^` which indicates `CTRL+`. Please refer to the [Appendix I](TuiHowto.html) on tui usage instructions. ### Deployment with existing configuration. If you already have a configuration saved in a toml inventory file you can issue the `deploy-freva-cmd` command: ```console deploy-freva-cmd --help usage: deploy-freva-cmd [-h] [--server-map SERVER_MAP] [--config CONFIG] [--steps {web,core,db,solr} [{web,core,db,solr} ...]] [--ask-pass] [-v] [-V] Deploy Freva and its services on different machines. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --server-map SERVER_MAP Hostname of the service mapping the Freva server architecture, Note: you can create a server map by running the deploy-freva-map command (default: None) --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG Path to ansible inventory file. (default: /home/wilfred/.config/freva/deployment/inventory.toml) --steps {web,core,db,solr} [{web,core,db,solr} ...] The services/code stack to be deployed (default: ['db', 'solr', 'web', 'core']) --ask-pass Connect to server via ssh passwd instead of public key. (default: False) -v, --verbose Verbosity level (default: 0) -V, --version show program's version number and exit ``` The `--steps` flags can be used if not all services should be deployed. ## Known Issues: Below are possible solutions to some known issues: #### SSH connection fails: ```python fatal: [host.name]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support this. Please add this host's fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host."} ``` - This means that you've never logged on to the server. You can avoid this error message by simply logging on to the server for the first time. #### Playbook complains about refused connections for the solr or db playbook ```python fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "docker run --name \"test_ces_db\" -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=\"T3st\" -p \"3306\":3306 -d docker.io/library/mariadb", "delta": "0:00:00.229695", "end": "2021-05-27 16:10:58.553280", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 125, "start": "2021-05-27 16:10:58.323585", "stderr": "docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint test_ces_db (d106bf1fe310a2ae0e012685df5a897874c61870c5241f7a2af2c4ce461794c2): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.", "stderr_lines": ["docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint test_ces_db (d106bf1fe310a2ae0e012685df5a897874c61870c5241f7a2af2c4ce461794c2): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use."], "stdout": "895ba35cdf5dcf2d4ec86997aedf0637bf4020f2e9d3e5775221966dcfb820a5", "stdout_lines": ["895ba35cdf5dcf2d4ec86997aedf0637bf4020f2e9d3e5775221966dcfb820a5"]} ``` - This means that there is already a service running on this port - in this case a local mariadb service. To avoid this error chose a different port in your `config/inventory` file. #### Playbook cannot create database tables because connections fails ```python fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'\n"} ``` - This is a common problem if you've set the mariadb docker host to be localhost. You can avoid the problem by setting the `db_host` variable to a non localhost type IP like If you're not sure what IP to use try the following command ``` docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' db_docker_name ``` you can figure out the `db_docker_name` using the following command: ``` docker container ls ``` ### Stuck in load/save dialogue in the tui The load/save forms can be exited by pressing the `` key which will get you to input field at the bottom of the screen. If the input field has text delete it an press the `` key, this will bring you get to the screen where you started. ## Advanced: Adjusting the playbook Playbook templates and be found the in the `~/.config/freva/deployment/playbooks` directory. You can also add new variables to the playbook if they are present in the `~/.config/freva/deployment/inventory.toml` file.