# After successful deployment ## After deployment of the core ### Activation scripts and module files for users The core deployment will create activation scripts for various shell flavours. The following activation scripts are located in the `/freva` folder: * *activate_sh*: To be sourced by shell flavours like shell, bash, zsh etc. * *activate_csh*: To be sourced by c-shell flavours like csh, tcsh * *activate_fish*: To be source by fish * *loadfreva.module*: Modules file The source scripts can either be copied where they are automatically sourced or users can be instructed to use the source command for their shell. If `modules` is available on the host system you can copy the *loadfreva.modules* file into the `MODULEPATH` location. ## Solr, database and web services: If the target machine where the services (solr, mariadb, web) were deployed are Linux machines you will have access to a `systemd` unit of the created service. In general the services can be accessed by `-.service` If for example the `project_name` key was set to `clex-ces` then the following services are created: - database: `clex-ces-db.service`, `clex-ces-vault.serice` - solr: `clex-ces.solr.service` - web ui: `clex-ces-web.service`, `clex-ces-redis.service`, `clex-ces-httpd.service` ### Access of service data on the host machine The data of the services, like the database or solr cores are stored "outside" the docker containers on the host machine and can be accessed at `/opt/freva//_service/` for example `/opt/freva/clex-ces/db_service` ### Simple backup scripts: The `db` and `solr` services offer a very simple backup script that can be run from outside the container. To issue a backup command simply call the following command `docker/podman exec -it -solr/db /usr/local/bin/daily_backup`. For example: ``` podman exec -it clex-ces-solr /usr/local/bin/daily_backup ``` If you have `anacron` set up on your host machine then a cron script to automatically backup databases and solr cores is applied nightly. By default the script keeps the last 7 backups. Backup data can be found in: - `db`:`/opt/freva//db_service>/backup` - `solr`: `/opt/freva//solr_service//data/snapshot.YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMS` This is only a rudimentary backup solution, ideally you should transfer those backups regularly to a different location. You can also disable this rudimentary backup strategy by deleting the backup scripts in `/etc/cron.daily` and replace it by a more sophisticated backup mechanism. ## The web UI admin Panel The web user interface is manged by django which offers a powerful admin panel to manage users, user history and add additional links as so called flat pages. More information on the django admin panel can be found [online](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/django/django_admin_interface.htm). To access the admin panel you will first have to login as user `freva-admin` using the *master* password you've created during deployment. Once logged in as freva-admin you should navigate to `/admin` of your homepage. For example `https://www.clex.nci.org.au/admin` assuming the web page url is `https://www.clex.nci.org.au`. Here you can transfer admin rights to other users, like your user name. Or create [new flat-pages](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/contrib/flatpages/). Flat-pages are useful to create additional project specific information that can be displayed on the website. This information can be links to plugin documentation or legal notes (see below). ### Adding privacy notes and terms of conditions to the Web UI For some incitations it might be necessary to add legal statements on privacy and terms of usage. Those statements can be added as flat-pages in the django *admin* panel. All flat-pages starting with the url **/legal** for example `/legal/privacy/` will be added as a link to the footer of home page. Examples of the content of such flat-pages can be found in the [Appendix III](LegalNotes.html). ## Amending the already existing containers Sometimes it might by helpful to change existing containers, such as adding extra mount points. One way of doing so is [adjusting the playbook](Configure.html#advanced-adjusting-the-playbook) *before* deployment. If already existing containers should be amended a different strategy can be applied: - Get the container ID of the service that should be changed: ```console docker ps -aqf "name=-" ``` - Commit this ID to a new name (project-service-old) ```console docker commit ``` - Stop the service: ```console systemclt stop - ``` or ```console docker stop - ``` - The deployment wrapper creating the containers will log all commands that have been used to create containers. To get the container creation command that was used check the content of the following file: ```console cat /root/.freva_container_commands/-.run ``` - Replace the container name in the shown command (`-`) by (``) and add the part that should be amended, like a new volume or environment variable. Also replace the `-t image` part by ``. Then run this command. - Remove the old container: ```console docker rm - ``` - Rename the new container name (``) to the old name: ```console docker rename - ``` - Restart the service: `systemctl restart -` Below you can find a real example: ```console $: docker ps -aqf "name=clex-web" e907fb462deb $: docker commit e907fb462deb clex-web-old sha256:b5c71c91e30e6424099218af6b83dbd3b7b8e05eb3bdf1404e4716dcc4e3e86d $: systemctl stop clex-web $: cat /root/.freva_container_commands/clex-web.run container clex-web created at 2022-09-16 09:19:28.868972 using command: /bin/docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -v /work/freva:/work/freva:ro -v /work/freva/share/slurm:/work/freva/share/slurm:ro -v /opt/freva/clex/web_service/static:/opt/freva_web/static:z -v /work/freva/share/work:/work/freva/share/work:ro -e EVALUATION_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE=/work/freva/evaluation_system.conf --name freva-dev-web -t registry.gitlab.dkrz.de/freva/freva_web/freva_web:main $: /bin/docker run -d -p 8000:8000 \ -v /work/freva:/work/freva:ro -v /work/freva/share/slurm:/work/freva/share/slurm:ro \ -v /opt/freva/clex/web_service/static:/opt/freva_web/static:z \ -v /opt/freva/clex/web_service/static:/opt/freva_web/static:z \ -v /work/freva/share/work:/work/freva/share/work:ro \ -v /work/new_mount:/work/new_mount:ro \ -e EVALUATION_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE=/work/freva/evaluation_system.conf \ --name clex-web-old clex-web-old 991e704b066d3a608504091d243f56cbac67100f54a7a5aeca0c352bbc4f4696 $: docker rm clex-web clex-web $: docker rename clex-web-old clex-web $: systemctl restart clex-web ```